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This guide provides information about federal bankruptcy laws, procedures and rules.

Contact Us

The Law Library is open Courthouse hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00-4:00. 

For directions to the library, see: Hamilton County Law Library

We cannot provide research by phone or email, except for governmental officials and subscribers.  Please come into the library for research guidance and self-help.

In person: Hamilton County Courthouse 1000 Main Street, 6th floor Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

By phone: 513.946.5300

On the web: Hamilton County Law Library

By fax: 513.946.5252

By email: Reference Team

Contact Information for the Courts

455 U.S. Courthouse 
2 South Main Street 
Akron, Ohio 44308 
Phone: 330.252.6100 


Ralph Regula Federal Building and United States Courthouse
401 McKinley Ave SW 
Canton, OH 44702-1745
Phone: 330.458.2120


Howard M. Metzenbaum U.S. Courthouse
201 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1235
Phone: 216.615.4300
411 U.S. Courthouse 
1716 Spielbusch Avenue 
Toledo, Ohio 43604 
Phone: 419.213.5600
U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Northern District Ohio (Youngstown)
Nathaniel R. Jones
Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse
10 East Commerce Street
Youngstown, Ohio 44503-1621 
Phone: 330.742.0900
221 E. Fourth Street
Atrium Two Suite 800
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: 513.684.2572

U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Southern District Ohio (Columbus)

170 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614.469.6638
120 West Third Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Phone: 937.225.2516

Bankruptcy Appellate Panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

100 East Fifth Street
540 Potter Stewart U.S. Courthouse
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513.564.7000
For contact information for Ohio U.S. District Courts see Federal Appellate Process (Ohio) tab.