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Ohio Sentencing Guide

This guide provides information about both Ohio and federal sentencing laws.


Sentencing for federal crimes is based on statutes and with consideration of the federal sentencing guidelines.  Some resources that may help to clarify sentencing laws include:

Statutes for Specific Crimes:

Many federal criminal statutes are found in 18 U.S. Code Part I. These statutes generally have sentencing provisions, such as maximum possible penalties. Other criminal statutes may be found elsewhere, such as those for controlled substances, in 21 U.S. Code Part D.

Sentencing Statutes Generally:

Many statutes related to sentencing are found in 18 U.S. Code Part II - Criminal Procedure. Some potentially useful statutes include:

18 U.S. Code Chapter 227 - Sentences (including, but not limited to):

Sentencing Guidelines

The federal sentencing guidelines consider the category of the criminal offense and the category of the defendant and provide parameters for sentencing. They are developed by the United States Sentencing Commission, which is an independent agency that has the authority to make these guidelines under 28 USC 994(a)(1). The Guidelines are not mandatory, but must be considered by judges when determining a sentence.

Sentencing Guidelines Manual


Case law

Case law also plays an important role in federal sentencing. The United States Sentencing Commission has created an extensive list of Supreme Court cases on sentencing issues, with summaries.

USSC Supreme Court Cases on Sentencing Issues (January 2014).

Educational Materials

United States Sentencing Commission: 2013 Guidelines Manual

United States Sentencing Commission: 2016 Guidelines Manual

Introduction to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines - Video

Defender Services Offices: Introduction to Federal Sentencing

Nolo: Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Mandatory or Not?

DEA - Federal Trafficking Penalties



Disclaimer: Hamilton County Law Library staff, as a service to its patrons, provides reference services and information, including these research guides. To protect the public interest, Ohio law requires that legal advice and services be rendered only by qualified attorneys who are subject to the guidelines of the courts. Library staff members do not interpret the law, provide legal advice, or explain court procedures. The information provided is not a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney.  None of our services shall be construed as giving legal advice.