The Copyright Alliance is a nonprofit, non-partisan, public interest, and educational organization representing artists, creators, and innovators across the specturm of copyright disciplines. This blog reports on copyright related issues, events, and articles including a 'Weekly Copyright Issues Wrapup' that provides a copyright related summary of issues, congressional developments, judicial updates, administration updates, international updates and industry updates, provided courtesy of American Continental Group (ACG).
This blog is part of the Stanford University Copyright and Fair Use Website. It comments on current issues in copyright that are especially relavant to the education and library community.
Authored by Ohio State University Libraries Copyright Resources Center
Lesley Ellen Harris@copyrightlaws
Ms. Harris is a copyright lawyer, author end educato.r
Ms. Sims, a JD/MLIS, is the copyright librarian at the University of Minnesota.
Author, MIchael Scott, is a professor at Southwestern Law School
Authored by the Copyright Resources Center at OSU Libraries
Mr. Crews is a copyright lawyer and author.