Here you will find a list of Ohio LGBTQ+ resources around the greater Cincinnati area and Nationwide. This guide also includes Ohio laws and Cincinnati City Ordinances that address discrimination and the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.
Lighthouse Youth Services - Parent Resource Guide
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Transgender Health Clinic
Greater Cincinnati LGBTQ+ Resource Guide
Prism Cincinnati - Community Resources
GLSEN-Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
American Foundation for Equal Rights
Ohio Statutes
O.R.C.4112.02 Unlawful discriminatory practices *Note-LBGT discrimination is not addressed in this statute.
After the United States Supreme Court Ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, same sex marriages are legal in Ohio. The below statutes apply to same sex couples.
O.R.C. 3105 Divorce, Alimony, Annulment and Dissolution of Marriage
Adoption/Child Custody
O.R.C. 3109.04 Allocating parental rights and responsibilities for care of children - shared parenting
O.R.C. 3111.02 Establishing parent and child relationship
Estate Planning
O.R.C. Title 21-Courts-Probate-Juvenile
City of Cincinnati Ordinances
Sec. 325-9. - Equal Employment Opportunity Clause
Chapter 769-Sexual Orientation of Gender Identity Change Efforts
Sec. 908-3. - Criminal Intimidation
Chapter 914-Unlawful Discriminatory Practices